We have further news for members from Frank Ince concerning the disposal of material in The Russell Society Library:
You may recall that a note was circulated with JRS 18 inviting you to acquire items from the Russell Society Library. Over the last month-or-so I have been contacted by a number of members (thank you one and all) and they have reserved (and in some cases paid for and received) a variety of the lots that were noted on the ‘For Sale’ and ‘Give Away’ spreadsheets. I have produced a new spreadsheet that contains the residue of the Library with the ‘For Sale’ lots at 50% of their original price and some of the lower-priced lots as freebies (0 in the ‘Price’ column). The spreadsheet can be downloaded as an Excel file here.
Please contact me as soon as possible if you would like to acquire any of the remaining lots. Your enquiries will be considered on a first-come, first-served basis and I will use the time/date of your e-mail to make a decision about the priority of ‘bids’ for the same lot (my judgement is final).
We will try to ensure that the transport/delivery logistics are as efficient as possible and there are a number of alternatives:
· “Free delivery” of multiple items at the AGM in 2016 and other gatherings of RS Members.
· Collection in person from Jo and Bracken.
· Small packages could be posted (provided that the purchaser pays for the postage); although the cost could outweigh the value of the items.