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When, in 2008, Andy Tindle published Minerals of Britain and Ireland, it provided a comprehensive listing of all mineral species and assemblages found in the Britain and Ireland, together with their localities. Since that time, there have been significant revisions of mineralogical nomenclature, many new species have been reported, and there have been additional analyses of uncertain species and provenances. As a result, much new information is available and this is incorporated into Minerals of Britain and Ireland 2009–2024. It should be noted that entries in this new volume are restricted to species or groups for which there have been significant changes since the publication of Minerals of Britain and Ireland (2008), so both volumes are required for a definitive guide.
The volume is the culmination of many years’ dedicated research by its authors and will be an invaluable resource for collectors and researchers alike.
The Russell Society is pleased to be the sponsor for the production of this extensively researched and beautifully illustrated book.
To order:
This new book can be purchased from the Books and Journals section of the Steetley Minerals website. The price in the UK is £75 including postage and packing. For multiple copies please email [email protected]. A discount is available to new members- please email [email protected].
For overseas orders please use this link. Prices quoted do not include duties or taxes. Any import duty or taxes in the destination country (including VAT charged by EU countries) are the responsibility of the buyer and must be paid promptly to avoid the book being returned.