We welcome new members to the Society. Benefits of membership include an extensive annual calendar of field trips and meetings and a bi-annual Newsletter and annually-published Journal.
Members are allocated to Branches covering the United Kingdom, which organise local events. Further details about our Branches can be found here.
Details of our events programme, including our Annual Society Meeting can be found here.
Members receive two publications:
- The Journal with peer-reviewed articles on the mineralogy of the UK. This is published once a year
- A twice yearly electronic Newsletter with information on field trips, events, mineralogical sites and general Society news.
You can download an Application Form in PDF format here.
Joining The Russell Society
There are three levels of subscription membership: Ordinary, Family and Junior.
Junior members can join at any age, but members under 16 years of age must be accompanied by an adult to meetings. Junior members must transfer to Ordinary membership at age 18.
Family membership entitles all the members of a family to full Ordinary membership with the difference that only one copy of the Journal and other printed documents will be circulated to each family. Any family member with an email address can ask to be included in the circulation of the Newsletter and other electronic notices.
The subscription year is from January to December and subscriptions are renewable annually on 1st January each year. Current membership rates are: Ordinary £25; Family £30; Junior £10.
As a registered charity we encourage tax paying members to Gift Aid their subscription to further benefit the Society. A Gift Aid Declaration is included with the application form. On first joining you will be sent copies of the current Journal of the Russell Society and most recent Newsletter. Payment can be made by cheque or BACS annually or alternatively by standing order. The application form has a bankers order for you to complete and send to your bank.
If you have any questions about membership of The Russell Society, please contact us by email using this address: [email protected].