The Russell Society is Britain’s leading society specialising in topographical mineralogy (the study and description of the mineralogy of a geographic region).
It is named after the eminent amateur mineralogist Sir Arthur Edward Ian Montague Russell (1878 – 1964), who is pictured digging for pyromorphite on Bulmers’s vein at Leadhills, Scotland. The writing on the photograph is in Russell’s characteristic hand which is seen on his specimen labels.
The wide spectrum of Russell Society members ranges from beginners to professional mineralogists and geologists. Nearly 400 members are spread throughout the United Kingdom and overseas.
The Society is organised into five regional branches across the UK, each having its own organising committee to arrange the programme of activities for the branch. Society members are assigned to the branch covering their area although members are welcome to participate in the activities of any other branch.
The principal aims of the Society are the study, understanding, recording and conservation of minerals and mineralogical sites. The Society works closely with museums, conservation bodies, regulatory authorities and other organisations in the pursuit of these aims and to ensure our mineral heritage is preserved for the future enhancement of mineralogical knowledge. The Society also encourages responsible collecting and exploration and the proper reporting of important mineralogical discoveries. Information on membership is given here.